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TK ( 4.9 Years Old) Curriculum

Listening: Variety of high interest picture books are used to stimulate our TKs' listening skills as well as their curiosity.


Speaking: We use the textbook: Living Mandarin Level B5, as a guide for daily listening and speaking activities. 


Reading: Better Immersion is our core curriculum for reading. The series of readers focus on repetitions. The topics include extended families, hobbies, and communities.


Writing: Our Pandas will trace and begin to write Chinese characters

Mandarin Language Arts

Counting: Our TKs will progress from single digit to double digits addition and subtraction and gradually develop into mental math.


Problem Solving: Our TKs develop problem solving skills through games and real life objects: You have 4 plates, one for each friend, and 12 cookies. How can you make sure that all your friends get the same number of cookies?




Our TKs learn about Chinese and American culture through arts and celebration. Our TKs also practice writing calligraphy and cooking Chinese traditional foods for the holidays.


Tangshi, Chinese poems, are integrated to promote learning about Chinese practices and culture.


Our Ts continue to learn to use words to express their feelings. 

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